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Des nouvelles de San Francisco
13 décembre 2005

Il pleut sur la Californie / Raining day in California

Tookie a ete execute hier soir, Schwarzi n'ayant pas juge recevable la demande de commutation de peine. Ex-participant des gangs repenti, auteur d'un livre anti-gang et nomine plusieurs fois au prix nobel de la paix (bon, Chirac aussi, ok), son execution aura fait du bruit, notamment en Autriche. Au dela de l'aspect politique de la chose, on peut se poser des questions une fois de plus sur le traitement reserve aux prisonniers, l'execution aura dure plus de 20 min, les executeurs ayant du mal a trouver la deuxieme veine... A San Francisco, une marche de 25 miles etait organisee dans la journee, de SF a St Quentin. A noter en passant le petit detail moral: le gouverneur a juge que le condamne continuant a clamer son innoncence, il ne pouvait etre question de repentance dans ces conditions... Tookie has been executed yesterday eve, Arnold refusing the last-minute appeals. Ex-gang members, author of an anti-gang book and nominated several times to receive nobel peace prize (well, same for Chirac, ok), its execution has drawn a lot of attention worldwide, and in particular in Austria. Beyond the political decision, we can again question the treatment of the prisoners and the execution itself lasted for more than 20 min, the executioner being in trouble to find the second vein... In SF, a 25 miles march was organized during the day, from SF to St Quentin. A little moral detail: the governor juging that the prisoner being still claiming its innoncence, there was no path for repentance in these conditions...
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